Karamo Brown & Ian Jordan

Karamo Brown of Queer Eye admitted to The Advocate that when his 22-year-old son came out to him as pansexual, he didn’t take it well. He says he was conflicted that his son didn’t tell him about his pansexuality until he was 21 years old. He added, “This is a young man who grew up in a family where his father works as a gay professional.

I mean, I’ve been on TV, transparent and proud of my sexuality, worked in social services with LGBT youth, he was around LGBT youth and adults, he’s seen the stable relationship that I’ve been in for ten years — and yet there was always a doubt in his mind of engaging with me… I was a little hurt.” Brown’s son Jason told the newspaper, “It’s like you’ve got the guy on Queer Eye, and you’d think he’d take that knowledge a little bit more lightly,” before explaining that it brought them closer together. We ought to give credit to these two men for being so open with each other.
