Chapel Of The Tablet At Our Lady Mary Of Zion, Ethiopia

Everyone loves a good adventure story, for sure. Besides the protagonist, the confidants, and the main antagonist, every memorable narrative in this genre has a valuable treasure. With that said, one such example would be Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. In the movie, the journey of getting to the Ark is a challenging one. In real life, not as much if you don’t count the fenced perimeter and the sentinel keeping guard.

For some time, the Ark of the Covenant has been kept secured deep within the premises of the Chapel of the Tablet at Our Lady Mary of Zion. First built around the 4th century CE, numerous investments have been made repairing and rebuilding the chapel – its current domed design was built around the ‘50s. With that said, visitors are only allowed to view the chapel from the outside. If you want to see the Ark for yourself, though, the only chance you’ll have in doing so is to become its next guardian.
