US Bullion Depository, Kentucky

More often than not, we like to compare things with other things. While the two tend to be different, comparing them gives the people we’re talking to a new degree of understanding things. One such example would be describing something as safe and secured like Fort Knox.

This metaphor is linked with the US Bullion Depository, or as it is often known, Fort Knox. Built back in 1936, Fort Knox is a vault that stores many of the country’s prized treasures and possessions. In fact, among many things, it now reportedly keeps over a hundred million troy ounces of gold bullion! With that much wealth within its premises, it’s no surprise Fort Knox is filled to the brim with security protocols – like a 100-hour time lock set to its vault doors. While it has become a subject to several metaphors through the years, it’s still no easy task to be as safe as Fort Knox.
