Mort Sahl – 93 years old

Net worth: $20 Million

Mort Sahl is given eternal credit for being the first modern stand-up comedian since Will Rogers. His ticket to fame was his signature jabs at political satire and current events with the use of a newspaper prop and improvised monologues. He debuted on stage back in 1953 in the Bay Area at the nightclub hungry. His rise to fame was a quick one, and before he knew it, he was doing gigs all around established theaters and nightclubs, as well as college campuses. He even rose to such a height that the late President John F. Kennedy was said to have commissioned him to write jokes for his speeches.

Though Mort’s career experienced somewhat of a decline in the ‘60s, he quickly made a comeback the decade after and has been active in the industry since then. His latest project was in 2013 in the film Max Rose.
