Caren Marsh-Doll – 102 years old

Net Worth: $3 Million

Caren Marsh-Doll is one of the oldest living legends of Hollywood and is amongst the last few living stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood Cinema. She is 102 years old, and her career has propped her up to be a distinguished actress and dancer. If you are enthusiastic about Hollywood history, you’re probably a fan of the 1939 musical fantasy film The Wizard of Oz. However, it might be shocking to know that Judy Garland had a stand-in during her dance sequences in the movie. And that stand-in was Caren. Two years later, she also worked with Judy in Ziegfeld Girl.

Although Caren’s career didn’t bear much lucrative abundance as an actress, she did earn a prolific degree of success as a dance instructor, which she took up back ever since 1956. Today, her long, impressive career boasts of an estimated net worth of $3 million.
