Megyn Kelly

Project: Megyn Kelly Today

She was fired from NBC for her controversial statement regarding blackface on her very own show Megyn Kelly Today. Her comments probably infuriated the network to the point of canceling the show. Kelly then apologized stating “I realize now that such behavior is indeed wrong, and I am sorry.” Megyn Kelly Today officially aired on September 25, 2017. However, due to this incident, it was forced to stop broadcasting on October 24, 2018. This is her second show from NBC after ending her investment with Fox News. The other show she had with NBC was Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly, which lasted for one season.

Since her departure from NBC, Kelly has launched her own production company called Devil May Care Media. Through her company, she also started a podcast last year entitled The Megyn Kelly Show, where she interviews politicians as well as legal commentators.
