Jeremy Clarkson

Project: Top Gear

It isn’t unusual for established actors or even hosts to feel some degree of invincibility due to the success they have achieved in their field. However, as we have seen on this list, not everyone is afforded this privilege. This is especially true in cases where the person’s behavior and actions are simply inexcusable. A good example of this would be Jeremy Clarkson getting fired from Top Gear. Some would argue that he basically made the show what it is, but even so, it didn’t give him immunity.

As for the reason why, it all began following a squabble between him and the show’s producer, Oisin Tymon. The two had quite a public argument, which was brought on by the fact that no hot food had been provided after a day’s worth of shooting. It wasn’t just an exchange of words that had happened, however. Tymon was said to have been struck in an unprovoked attack. The altercation lasted for 30 seconds and was only stopped after a witness intervened. Needless to say, Clarkson was inevitably sacked.
